Canning Fruit: A Preservation Guide

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

This resource teaches how to safely can and preserve fruit. Canning Fruit is not a daunting task, but this simple resource explains the basics, providing an excellent introduction into food preservation.

The details..

"Canning is one way of preserving fruits, and it can be fun - and very rewarding." The book explains how to safely preserve ripe, juicy cherries, peaches, pears, and other fruits in either a sweet syrup or water/fruit juice. It also highlights the benefits of canned fruit over frozen ones.

To avoid spoilage caused by bacteria or molds at Wisconsin elevations while ensuring high-quality products are produced; all filled jars must undergo heat processing using boiling water canners. Open-kettle canning is not recommended due to its likelihood of spoilage.

This publication advises on selecting the right ingredients such as tree-ripened undamaged fruit that's neither under nor overripe since an unsafe product may result from damaged fruit. Additionally, assembling equipment like a boiling water canner with tight-fitting lids helps ensure safety during processing.

Lastly, readers will learn about sterilizing jars before filling them when necessary (large volume jars or short processing times), preparing jar-lids appropriately (two-piece vacuum seal lid), selecting fresh firm undamaged fruits for best quality canned food production among others.

Resource Info

Page count: 19
Size: 607kb
File Type: pdf


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